1.GTA San Andreas System Requirements
2.Backing Up
3.Installing The Mod
--Method 1: Using IMG Tool
--Method 2 Self Mod Installers
----San Andreas Mod Installer
--Installing cloths
--Installing Weapons
5.My Mods arn't working!
Starting off
1.GTA San Andreas System Requirements
You need to make sure you computer can run San Andrease. Theese are the Requirements.
Recommended System Requirements:
Intel Pentuim 4 or AMD XP Processor (or better)
16x Speed DVD Drive
4.7GB Hard Drive Space
128MB Video Card
DirectX 9 compatible sound & video drivers
Keyboard, mouse or game pad
Minimum System Requirements:
1GHz Pentuim III or AMD Athlon
8x Speed DVD Drive
3.6 GB Hard Disk Space
64MB Video Card
DirectX 9 compatable sound & video drivers
Keyboard, mouse
2.Backing Up
Before you do anything to the game, back up the files you are going to mod. I usally copy the GTA folder and rename it "Normal San Andreas" And that is good because you can play MTA and SA-MP with the normal version and play it modded with the foloder you are going to mod. If you have minumum space just back up the files you need.
3.Installing the mod
There are a couple of ways to install mods in to San Andreas, you can do it the normal way using IMG tool, or there are some Auto mod installers. I will show you how to use each one. (In this guide I am only showing how to install cars.)
Method 1: Using IMG Tool
1. Download img tool from the link here
2. Download a car from here
3. Read the read me, which should have the handling and other things wich you will need too. It should also say what mod you need to replace. So go into GTA3.img , wich normal should be in Rockstar Games/ San andreas/ Models
4. Now what ever car you need to replace find in there and delete it. In the ZIP file you downloaded there should be 2 files wich should be .dff and .txd and extract them and then go into img tool, go to edit find and search for example.dff and delete it. Then add the one you downloded. Then go to example.txd and do the exact same thing!
5. Now all you have to do is replace the handling. Open handling.cfg in /data with Notepad in the read me there should be a name of a car then lots of numbers, example
Now if yours sais Land Stalker or somthing else search that in the noteoad using ctrl + f. Once you find it copy the one in the read me and highlight the other one and paste to replace. Then 0pen carcols.dat in /data with Notepad (again) and in the readme most of the time there is another thing that has the name of a car and a couple of numbers. Not usally much. And do what you did with the handling and it should be installed!
Method 2 Self Mod Installers
There are 2 main Mod installers
Self Mod Installers GTA Garage Mod Maneger and San Andreas Mod Installer
GMM is simple.
1. Download GTA Garage Mod Maneger
2. Once downloaded Install it.
3.Download a GMM mod from here
4.Run GMM
5.Click on installer then click on install a car package. Select the car you want to install. Then a Car Mod discription and click on install. And then the new window show open and click ok. And it should be installed!
San Andreas Mod Installer
This one is another automatic mod installer.
1.Download San andreas mod installer here
2. Once downloaded install it.
3.Run it. Click on Install a mod.
4.Select your San Andreas Directory, where you installed it too. It should usally be C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\
5. Then on the second one select the mod you downloaded. Wich should be in a ZIP folder. Then click continue. The Handling should be there automaticly if not get it from the readme in the zip file. The press Continue again. Type the name of the car you are installing and the car it is replacing. If you don't know which one to replace just look in the ZIP and look at the .dff and what it is called. Then install it! And its done.
Installing cloths
1st. Download img tool from the link here
2. Download the cloth mod
3. Go to San Andreas Directory and then modles. Go to Player.img
4. In the Zip you downloaded there should be a (or more) .txd files. Remember the .txd file name.
5. In image Tool go to edit, find and type the file name in. Once you have it selected delete it. Add the .txd file in the zip. and it should be done!
Installing Weapons
1.Download weapon mod from here or another website.
2. Open the .zip file.
3. Look at the file and see what the name is.
4. Open GTA3.img in that will be in the modles folder in the San Andreas Directory.
5. Search for the file that is in the zip. (not the readme)
6. Delete the one in the gta3.img
7. Add the one in the Zip file. It should now be installed!
-Make a copy of your whole San Andreas before installing mods you can use it as back ups and for MTA!
-Make a foldor where you keep your mods. You can have a Folder called GTA mods. In there add a foldor called GMM Mods, Weapons, Cars, Installers, Total Conversions, ect.
-Try too look for total conversion mods wich are much less of a hassel to install and usally replace more cars that you would of done your self.
- Look at more than one site for all your mods.
-If there is somthing that shows views or rating look for the mods with the highest ones!
5.My Mods arn't working!
First thing you need to know is if you have the second version of San Andreas you CANNOT install mods. If you baught the game recently that should be your case. Well if you have the first version and your mods arn't working just use the back up you should of made of the .dff or .txt and install them like you did with the mod or if you made a copy of gta3.img delete the one with the mod and replace it with the back up. But if you do the replace the gta3.img you will lose all your mods! But if you didn't back it up you can download them from here . If you don't want to download it then you will have to reinstall it or try to reinstall the mod. If it is that mod that is bad and not the installation you can replace it using a mod that replaces the same car and replace the old one with the new one and it should work. But if you used San Andreas Mod installer it automaticly backs it up.
1.GTA San Andreas System Requirements
2.Backing Up
3.Installing The Mod
--Method 1: Using IMG Tool
--Method 2 Self Mod Installers
----San Andreas Mod Installer
--Installing cloths
--Installing Weapons
5.My Mods arn't working!
Starting off
1.GTA San Andreas System Requirements
You need to make sure you computer can run San Andrease. Theese are the Requirements.
Recommended System Requirements:
Intel Pentuim 4 or AMD XP Processor (or better)
16x Speed DVD Drive
4.7GB Hard Drive Space
128MB Video Card
DirectX 9 compatible sound & video drivers
Keyboard, mouse or game pad
Minimum System Requirements:
1GHz Pentuim III or AMD Athlon
8x Speed DVD Drive
3.6 GB Hard Disk Space
64MB Video Card
DirectX 9 compatable sound & video drivers
Keyboard, mouse
2.Backing Up
Before you do anything to the game, back up the files you are going to mod. I usally copy the GTA folder and rename it "Normal San Andreas" And that is good because you can play MTA and SA-MP with the normal version and play it modded with the foloder you are going to mod. If you have minumum space just back up the files you need.
3.Installing the mod
There are a couple of ways to install mods in to San Andreas, you can do it the normal way using IMG tool, or there are some Auto mod installers. I will show you how to use each one. (In this guide I am only showing how to install cars.)
Method 1: Using IMG Tool
1. Download img tool from the link here
2. Download a car from here
3. Read the read me, which should have the handling and other things wich you will need too. It should also say what mod you need to replace. So go into GTA3.img , wich normal should be in Rockstar Games/ San andreas/ Models
4. Now what ever car you need to replace find in there and delete it. In the ZIP file you downloaded there should be 2 files wich should be .dff and .txd and extract them and then go into img tool, go to edit find and search for example.dff and delete it. Then add the one you downloded. Then go to example.txd and do the exact same thing!
5. Now all you have to do is replace the handling. Open handling.cfg in /data with Notepad in the read me there should be a name of a car then lots of numbers, example
PHOENIX 5000.0 20000.0 2.2 0.0 0.1 -0.15 85 0.7 0.9 0.52 5 200.0 26.0 5.0 R P 6.0 0.55 0 30.0 0.8 0.08 0.0 0.28 -0.24 0.59 0.4 0.25 0.1 350000 20286000 00708403 1 1 0
Now if yours sais Land Stalker or somthing else search that in the noteoad using ctrl + f. Once you find it copy the one in the read me and highlight the other one and paste to replace. Then 0pen carcols.dat in /data with Notepad (again) and in the readme most of the time there is another thing that has the name of a car and a couple of numbers. Not usally much. And do what you did with the handling and it should be installed!
Method 2 Self Mod Installers
There are 2 main Mod installers
Self Mod Installers GTA Garage Mod Maneger and San Andreas Mod Installer
GMM is simple.
1. Download GTA Garage Mod Maneger
2. Once downloaded Install it.
3.Download a GMM mod from here
4.Run GMM
5.Click on installer then click on install a car package. Select the car you want to install. Then a Car Mod discription and click on install. And then the new window show open and click ok. And it should be installed!
San Andreas Mod Installer
This one is another automatic mod installer.
1.Download San andreas mod installer here
2. Once downloaded install it.
3.Run it. Click on Install a mod.
4.Select your San Andreas Directory, where you installed it too. It should usally be C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\
5. Then on the second one select the mod you downloaded. Wich should be in a ZIP folder. Then click continue. The Handling should be there automaticly if not get it from the readme in the zip file. The press Continue again. Type the name of the car you are installing and the car it is replacing. If you don't know which one to replace just look in the ZIP and look at the .dff and what it is called. Then install it! And its done.
Installing cloths
1st. Download img tool from the link here
2. Download the cloth mod
3. Go to San Andreas Directory and then modles. Go to Player.img
4. In the Zip you downloaded there should be a (or more) .txd files. Remember the .txd file name.
5. In image Tool go to edit, find and type the file name in. Once you have it selected delete it. Add the .txd file in the zip. and it should be done!
Installing Weapons
1.Download weapon mod from here or another website.
2. Open the .zip file.
3. Look at the file and see what the name is.
4. Open GTA3.img in that will be in the modles folder in the San Andreas Directory.
5. Search for the file that is in the zip. (not the readme)
6. Delete the one in the gta3.img
7. Add the one in the Zip file. It should now be installed!
-Make a copy of your whole San Andreas before installing mods you can use it as back ups and for MTA!
-Make a foldor where you keep your mods. You can have a Folder called GTA mods. In there add a foldor called GMM Mods, Weapons, Cars, Installers, Total Conversions, ect.
-Try too look for total conversion mods wich are much less of a hassel to install and usally replace more cars that you would of done your self.
- Look at more than one site for all your mods.
-If there is somthing that shows views or rating look for the mods with the highest ones!
5.My Mods arn't working!
First thing you need to know is if you have the second version of San Andreas you CANNOT install mods. If you baught the game recently that should be your case. Well if you have the first version and your mods arn't working just use the back up you should of made of the .dff or .txt and install them like you did with the mod or if you made a copy of gta3.img delete the one with the mod and replace it with the back up. But if you do the replace the gta3.img you will lose all your mods! But if you didn't back it up you can download them from here . If you don't want to download it then you will have to reinstall it or try to reinstall the mod. If it is that mod that is bad and not the installation you can replace it using a mod that replaces the same car and replace the old one with the new one and it should work. But if you used San Andreas Mod installer it automaticly backs it up.
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