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python program to Print Starting Series OF Indian Mobile Number for a State or operator or both

import requests
import urllib.request
import time
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import re
url =''
state_to_extract="UE" #if set to None all state is considered
telecom_to_extracted=None #if set to none all operator from particular city is extracted

response = requests.get(url)
soup = bs(response.text,"html.parser")
one_a_tag = soup.findAll('tr')[35:]

for k in one_a_tag:
 while True:
  if i==limit:
  if i==limit:
  if i==limit:
  if i==limit:
  res=f"{no} {operator} {state}"
  if state_to_extract is  None :
   if telecom_to_extracted is None:
   elif telecom_to_extracted in res:
    print("please specify either state or operator or both")
  elif state_to_extract in res:
   if telecom_to_extracted is None:
   elif telecom_to_extracted in res :
     lst.append(no) #inteded operator of intended state found
    #currently not the intended operator

   #currently not the desired State...


stateName="india" if state_to_extract==None else state_to_extract
opName="all_operator" if telecom_to_extracted==None else telecom_to_extracted
with open(filename,"w") as f:
 for z in lst:

  print(f"writing {z} to file")



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