Creating a jar File in EclipseIn Eclipse Help contents, expand "Java development user guide" ==> "Tasks" ==> "Creating JAR files." Follow the instructions for "Creating a new JAR file" or "Creating a new runnable JAR file."TheJAR File and Runnable JAR File commands are for some reason located under the File menu: click on Export... and expand the Java node.Creating a jar File in JCreatorYou can configure a "tool" that will automate the jar creation process. You only need to do it once.
manifest.txt or copy and edit an existing one. Place manifest.txt in the same folder where the .class files go. Under View/Toolbars check the Tools toolbar. Click on the corresponding tool button or press Ctrl-1 (or Ctrl-n if this is the n-th tool) to run the Create Jar File tool.With Windows Explorer, go to the jar file that you just created and double click on it to run. Creating a jar File in Command Prompt
Skylight Publishing
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