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[solution] Motorola moto G5S plus | xt1804|Sanders Magisk error 1 : cannot mount /vendor

Error: mainly all error 1 errors. can not mount /vendors... Cause : Since your current TWRP is not treble supported ,You need a Treble supported Recovery. Solution : Simpally download this file and then flash it .  this recovery is treble supported 1. VIA TWRP boot to twrp recovery  goto install .  touch on install image and then select this downloaded file (.img)  select recovery  then flash it 2. Using fastboot fastboot flash recovery <(downloaded.img)> NOW YOU CAN FLASH MAGISK zip file via recovery LINK : TWRP_SANDERS_r22_BY_GENETIC ENGINEER

Literals in JAVA notes

Literals: ( Java is case sensitive language except some cases: l or L (explicit conversion for long) b or B (for binary form representaion preceded by 0 ex:0B or 0b) f or F (for denoting explicitly float ) A-F or a-f (range in Hexadecimal Notation) x or X (for denoting Hexa form preceded by 0 : ex 0X or 0x) ) A) Integer Literals: i) Decimal Representation:10 ,20 ,40 ii) Hexadecimal Literals:0x123A , 0x 343F iii) Binary Representation: 0b101110 iv) Octal Representation: 0117, 01121 v) (underscore Representation): 1_2__3 ,12_3,1_2_3_4 _ is just a separator which is removed by the compiler. NOTE: 1.underscore should come only between the numbers. 2. We can have more than one underscore also in between the numbers. 3. Compiler skips all the underscore and represents the integer literals in the actual form. It means _ representation is provided for the programmers to represent large number easily...

Thread in Java and Hooking concept

THREAD: Thread is the lightweight Process(uses Shared Memory of application). States: Mansur, [01.10.18 09:35] Thread is a lightweight (uses the shared memory of application) process (program in execution in waiting state). Multiprogramming execution of more than one application (vlc and notepad execute at a time) Multithreading executes more than one threads in a single application. (in NFS 4 cars are executing at a time) States of threads: New state->ready .->running/waiting->dead state To create thread: 1.Extending Thread Class it contains start() method. 2.BY implementing Runnable Interface . Start () method is present in the Thread class. It is used to create Thread. Whenever the Start method of Thread class is called it registers the thread into Thread Scheduler and calls the run method. Recommendation: we should not override start method in implementing class or extending class ot...

Exception Handling in Java

Exception Handling() it is an event that stops the normal flow of execution of the program and terminates the program abnormally. Exception always occurs at runtime. There Is two type of Exception: Checked Exception.:-The exception which is checked by the compiler at the compilation time. Ex: IOException,ClassNotFoundException. Unchecked Exception: The Exception which Cant be checked by the compiler at the compilation time and directly occurs at runtime is called an unchecked Exception. Ex:NullPointerException,StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. Error: Error is the type of unchecked Exception which occurs due to programmers mistake, end-user input mistake, resource unavailability or network problem etc. OutOfMemoryError StackOverFlowError etc. 5 keywords to handle Exception: try catch finally throw throws possible combination: try-catch try-catch-catch try-catch-finally try finally try-...

C++ Program to Find HCF and LCM among 4 numbers (Easiest Logic)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; int main () { int a,b,c,d,i,j,minimum; cout << "Enter the all four number " ; cin >> a >> b >> c >> d; if (a < b && a < c && a < d) minimum = a; else if (b < c && b < d) minimum = b; else if (c < d) minimum = c; else minimum = d; for (j = minimum;; -- j) { if (a % j == 0 && b % j == 0 && c % j == 0 && d % j == 0 ) { break ; } } for (i = 1 ;;i ++ ) { if (i % a == 0 && i % b == 0 && i % c == 0 && i % d == 0 ) break ; } cout << "Lowest Common factor=>" << i << endl; ...

Reserved Words In JAVA (total 53 Reserve Words)

RESERVED WORDS: In java the words which are having fixed functionalities or fixed Values are called as reserve words. Total Number of reserve words =53. Category of Reserve Words: 1 .Keywords ---> The words which are having fixed Functionalities. 2. Literals (Constant)---->The words which are having fixed Values .(3)---- i) true ii) false iii) null. NOTE: all the reserved words (Keywords and Literals) are in small letters. Keywords: (i) Datatype related :- byte ,short,int ,long,float,double,char,boolean. (ii) Flow Control Related Keywords: - if ,else ,switch,case ,default,continue,break,for,while,do while. (iii) Method Related Keywords:- void ,return. (iv) Unused keywords: goto ,const. (v) New Keywords: assert,enum. (vi) exception handling Keywords: try,catch,finally,throws,throw. (vii) Class Related keywords : class,extends,interface,implements,pacakage,import. (viii) Object Related Keywords: this,new,super,instanceof. ...

Identifier IN JAVA

Idenifiers: Any Name in Java which is used for identifing Purpose is called as Identifier.. Ex:- className,VariableName,Method name,Constructor Name are Identifiers. Rules for Identifiers: 1. Identifiers Can have alphanumeric Values and $ and _. 2. Identifiers can not start from Numbers.. 3. Identifiers are Case sensitive. 4. There is no length Limit in Identifiers. 5. Pre-defined Keywords cant be used as an Identifiers. 6. Pre-defined Classname,Methodname,Interface Name,variable Name etc can be used as an Identifiers. Recommendation: 1. Pre-defined Classname,Methodname,Interface Name,variable Name etc should not be used as an Identifiers because it creates confusion. CASE STUDY: class Test { public static void main (String [] beast) { System.out.println("Test in progress"); int System=10; System.out.println(a); } } OUTPUT: Compilation Error: test.ja...

Free Programming books download free pdf Kotlin python c++

Assembly The Art of Assembly Language Assembly Language Tutorial Assembly Language: Step-by-Step Beginners Introduction to the Assembly Language of ATMEL­-AVR­-Microprocessors - Gerhard Schmidt C An Introduction to the C Programming Language Learn C programming - Tutorials Point C Programming Tutorial - Mark Burgess The C Book - Mike Banahan, Declan Brady, Mark Doran The C programming Language - Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie C++   Programming Principles Using C++ Thinking in C++ Volume 1 ...