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Showing posts from April, 2013

just more way to disable autorun.inf

Auto run.Inf this is a instruction file associated with the Auto run function. It is a simple text configuration file that instructs the OS (operating system) which executable to start which icon to use which additional menu commands to make available etc Auto run.inf must be located in the root directory of a volume.That is CD,DVD,of Floppy Disk or Pen drive. It is mainly used by the manufacturer on what actions to taken when their CD-ROM when it is inserted. In OS, when autorun.inf is enabled (Normally by default it is enabled ) then by inserting the Cd or DVD the content of the medium is automatically executed. This is to avoid the user intervention and help the low level knowledge of computer literacy people. But Virus programmer taken this as advantage and make virus instruction in autorun.inf text file. TYPICAL AUTORUN.INF A typical autorun.inf file looks like below. [autorun] open=setup.exe icon=setup.exe,0 label=GameProgram SIMPLE METHOD NOT TO GET INFECTED BY AUTORUN.INF:...

anhother way to remove autorun.inf virus in usb

[autorun] open=shutdown.exe shell=!@#$% &shell=%^&* This is how a bad autorun.inf looks like. we usually go to 'cmd' prompt and by using 'attrib autorun.inf -h -r -s ' and 'del autorun.inf' - we usually delete. But sometime you may not even able to go to command prompt also. The cmd window opens for a second or two and disappears. In this situation it is very difficult to delete autorun .inf. "Task Manager is disabled" " Tools –> Folder Options, can’t change any settings" are also some symptoms of virus. So here is the ultimate method to disable and delete autorun.inf virus: 1. Go to My Computer--> (right clik -properties ) --> System restore tab " Turn off System restore on all drives" 2. restart your computer 3. Press F8 and boot the computer on safe mode 4.start->run->gpedit.msc ***Group policy window will be opening. User Configuration-> Administrative Template-> System -> Disable Autoplay ***Pr...


When your pc get infected with virus through 'autorun.inf', it disables the following Ctrl + Alt + delete ( To get task manager ) Registry Tools (regedit) Folder Options - Show Hidden This autorun.inf not only copied in the main boot drive ( c:) but also copied in all logical drives ( D,E,F drives etc ) . Unless you are not removing this inf file from all your drive this will carry on hamper your PC. In order to delete 'autorun.inf" you have to go to command prompt and manually delete by "del" command. Prior to that you have to run "attrib" command also. Some time user may get confuse and tend to forget what should be the syntax to a particular command. And even some time the virus may not allow you to go to command prompt . In this kind of situation you can still able to delete those unwanted autorun.inf file. Just follow the procedure: Open a note pad and type the following : @echo off del /f/s/q AutoRun.inf del /f/s/q/a:H

Control Loops in c

Objectives: Having read this section you should have an idea about C's: 1.Conditional, or Logical, Expressions as used in program control 2.the do while loop 3.the while loop 4.the for loop Go With The Flow: Our programs are getting a bit more sophisticated, but they still lack that essential something that makes a computer so necessary. Exactly what they lack is the most difficult part to describe to a beginner. There ar e only two great ideas in computing. The first is the variable and you've already met that. The second is flow of control. When you write a list of instructions for someone to perform you usually expect them to follow the list from the top to the bottom, one at a time. This is the simple default flow of control through a program. The C programs we have written so far use this one-after-another default flow of control. This is fine and simple, but it limits the running time of any program we can write. Why? Simply because there is a limit to the nu...

Conditional Execution in c

Objectives: Having read this section you should be able to: 1.Program control with if , if-else and switch structures 2.have a better idea of what C understands as true and false. Program Control: It is time to turn our attention to a different problem - conditional execution. We often need to be able to choose which set of instructions are obeyed according to a condition. For example, if you're keeping a total and you need to display the message 'OK' if the value is greater than zero you would need to write something like: if (total>O) printf("OK"); This is perfectly reasonable English, if somewhat terse, but it is also perfectly good C. The if statement allows you to evaluate a >condition and only carry out the statement, or compound statement, that follows if the condition is true. In other words the printf will only be obeyed if the condition total > O is true. If the condition is false then the program continues with the next instruction. In g...

Input and Output Functions in c

Objectives: Having read this section you should have a clearer idea of one of C's: 1.input functions, called scanf 2.output functions, called printf On The Run: Even with arithmetic you can't do very much other than write programs that are the equivalent of a pocket calculator. The real break through comes when you can read values into variables as the program runs. Notice the important words here: "as the program runs". You can already store values in variables using assignment. That is: a=100; stores 100 in the variable a each time you run the program, no matter what you do. Without some sort of input command every program would produce exactly the same result every time it was run. This would certainly make debugging easy! But in practice, of course, we need programs to do different jobs each time they are run. There are a number of different C input commands, the most useful of which is the scanf command. To read a single integer value into the variable cal...

Data Types in C

Objectives: Having read this section you should be able to: 1.declare (name) a local variable as being one of C's five data types 2.initialise local variables 3.perform simple arithemtic using local variables Now we have to start looking into the details of the C language. How easy you find the rest of this section will depend on whether you have ever programmed before - no matter what the language was. There are a great many ideas common to programming in any language and C is no exception to this rule. So if you haven't programmed before, you need to take the rest of this section slowly and keep going over it until it makes sense. If, on the other hand, you have programmed before you'll be wondering what all the fuss is about It's a lot like being able to ride a bike! The first thing you need to know is that you can create variables to store values in. A variable is just a named area of storage that can hold a single value (numeric or character). C is very f...

Your First Program in c

Your First Program Objectives: Having read this section you should have an understanding of: 1.a preprocessor directive that must be present in all your C programs. 2.a simple C function used to write information to your screen. to add comments to your programs Now that you've seen the compiler in action it's time for you to write your very own first C program. You can probably guess what it's going to be - the program that everyone writes just to check they understand the very, very, very basics of what is going on in a new language. Yes - it's the ubiquitous "Hello World" program. All your first program is going to do is print the message "Hello World" on the screen. The program is a short one, to say the least. Here it is: #include main() { while(1==1) printf("Hello World\n"); } The first line is the standard start for all C programs - main(). After this comes the program's only instruction enclosed in curly brackets...

Structure of C Programs

Objectives: Having completed this section you should know about: 1.C's character set 2.C's keywords 3.the general structure of a C program 4.that all C statement must end in a ; 5.that C is a free format language 6.all C programs us header files that contain standard library functions. C's Character Set: C does not use, nor requires the use of, every character found on a modern computer keyboard. The only characters required by the C Programming Language are as follows: A - Z a -z 0 - 9 space . , : ; ' $ " # % & ! _ {} [] () < > | + - / * = The use of most of this set of characters will be dicussed throughout the course. The form of a C Program: All C programs will consist of at least one function, but it is usual (when your experience grows) to write a C program that comprises several functions. The only function that has to be present is the function called main. For more advanced programs the main functi...

Running C Programs

Objectives: Having read this section you should be able to: 1.Edit, link and run your C programs This section is primarily aimed at the beginner who as no or little experience of using compiled languages. We cover the various stages of program development. The basic principles of this section will apply to what ever C compiler you choose to use, the stages are nearly always the same The Edit-Compile-Link-Execute Process: Developing a program in a compiled language such as C requires at least four steps: 1.editing (or writing) the program 2.compiling it 3.linking it 4.executing it We will now cover each step separately. Editing: You write a computer program with words and symbols that are understandable to human beings. This is the edit part of the development cycle. You type the program directly into a window on the screen and save the resulting text as a separate file. This is often referred to as the source file (you can read it with the TYPE command in DOS or the cat...

Overview of C

Why use C?: C has been used successfully for every type of programming problem imaginable from operating systems to spreadsheets to expert systems - and efficient compilers are available for machines ranging in power from the Apple Macintosh to the Cray supercomputers. The largest measure of C's success seems to be based on purely practical considerations: the portability of the compiler; the standard library concept; a powerful and varied repertoire of operators; an elegant syntax; ready access to the hardware when needed; and the ease with which applications can be optimized by hand-coding isolated procedures C is often called a "Middle Level" programming language. This is not a reflection on its lack of programming power but more a reflection on its capability to access the system's low level functions. Most high-level languages (e.g. Fortran) provides everything the programmer might want to do already built into the language. A low l...